Meeting With Principals Across the State

One of the key ways we work toward school district policy change is by meeting with principals. Last year, students met with 13 principals to talk about the 24/7 campaign, discuss the issue of nicotine-use at school, and offer resources.

Our resources include free bilingual signage, faculty trainings, sample emails and announcements for communicating the policy, and counseling resources for students. Each of these principals signed a pledge card to show their support for a healthier, nicotine-free environment at their schools . Here are some of the meetings that happened during the 2023-2024 school year!

Amileigh and Owahee with Principal Torres of Farmington High School

Drea with Principal Valdez of Cuba Middle School

Chris with Principals Jaramillo and Elkins at Grants High School

Olivia and Hannah with Principal Fowler and Assistant Principal Ontiveros of Lindsay-Steiner Elementary

Billy and Principal Brooks of Newcomb High School

Robyn and Dylan with Principal Miller of Española High School

Principal meetings are important because having support within a school district can be helpful when approaching a school board about updated policies. We’d love to meet a principal in your district! Contact us to set up a meeting and see how 24/7 can help you create a more nicotine-free environment at your school.

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