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It’s Official. New Mexico Public Schools Are 100% Nicotine-Free.

That means no nicotine products for anyone, anytime, anywhere

New Mexico’s new rule requiring a comprehensive nicotine policy for all public schools is a historic victory for everyone. Now, the use, possession, and distribution of nicotine products, including vapes, are prohibited on public school campuses 24/7. Special thanks to the student advocates, partner organizations, and many others who worked alongside us to make this possibility a reality.

Eleven of our youth advocates Eleven of our youth advocates at the New Mexico Public Education Hearing with the Secretary of Education Dr. Arsenio Romero in October to speak in support of passing the new rule.




News worth celebrating: New Mexico students are now fully protected from the effects of vaping and nicotine on public school grounds.

Meet the Students


School Staff

To help keep schools 100% nicotine-free, teachers, faculty, and staff—who are also protected—will receive guidance on enforcing the new 24/7 Policy.

The 24/7 Toolkit


School Districts

Keeping our schools safe would not be possible without each district spreading the word to their schools and updating current district policy based on the new procedures.

Get Help With Your Policy


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The 24/7 campaign is an initiative by the New Mexico Department of Health using Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement Funds to help all schools in New Mexico understand, adopt, implement, and enforce comprehensive nicotine-free policies. Comprehensive policies support a school environment that is truly free from nicotine products—including electronic cigarettes—24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This type of policy is critical to creating a truly nicotine-free learning environment for students.

What We Do

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