Roswell Fights Against Nicotine Addiction with a New 100% Tobacco-Free Policy

20 Chaves County schools to benefit from improved campus guidelines

CHAVES COUNTY – The New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) Tobacco Use Prevention and Control Program (TUPAC) and the 24/7 campaign recognize the Roswell Independent School District’s board for their recent vote on January 12, 2021 to adopt a comprehensive, tobacco-free school policy. The vote comes at the same time that Roswell High School becomes a partner school with Evolvement to engage students in advocacy efforts for a tobacco-free New Mexico.

“We are grateful to the 24/7 team for helping us prepare a safer and healthier school environment for students with a tobacco policy that offers a positive solution for everyone,” says RISD Board President Hope Morales. “Our schools are a place to learn, explore and grow, and there is no room for tobacco here.”

The 24/7 campaign partners with school districts to help them update their tobacco policies to meet the Department of Health’s comprehensive standard, which is more stringent than the current required laws in the state of New Mexico.[1] By this standard, the definition of tobacco products must include e-cigarettes and nicotine liquid containers, and the policy must apply to students, staff, and visitors at all school property owned, leased, or rented by the district as well as all school-sponsored activities whether on- or off-site. In addition, the 24/7 tobacco-free guidelines require schools to provide cessation resources as well as progressive and supportive discipline measures to assist those struggling with addiction.

To help promote its new comprehensive policy, Roswell Independent School District will be receiving free resources for all schools in the district from the 24/7 campaign, including the 24/7 Toolkit and bilingual tobacco-free signs for all school buildings and grounds. Other free resources include faculty trainings and bilingual pre-written announcements, staff memos and parent letters explaining the policy.

“RISD is a model for school districts across New Mexico that want to hold themselves to the highest standards of health in their schools,” says David Tompkins, TUPAC Program Manager. “We will continue to partner with districts across the state through the 24/7 campaign to encourage similar measures being passed in communities statewide.”

About the 24/7 campaign

The 24/7 campaign is an initiative fueled by students and funded by the NMDOH’s TUPAC program with a vision to help all school districts in New Mexico adopt, implement, and enforce comprehensive tobacco-free policies. For more information, visit

About the TUPAC program

The Tobacco Use Prevention and Control (TUPAC) program and its partners use a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to promote healthy lifestyles that are free from tobacco abuse and addiction among all New Mexicans. The program works with communities, schools, and organizations across the state to implement activities and services that decrease the harmful and addictive use of commercial tobacco, outside of its traditional, sacred or ceremonial purposes. TUPAC follows recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Visit to learn more.



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