How tobacco-free policies can shift students’ mindsets

Hello, my name is Joseph V.! I am in the eleventh grade at Pecos Connections Academy, and this is my first year in Evolvement! I’m here to talk to you today about the importance of a tobacco-free school!

You might be asking, “Why is it important that schools go tobacco-free?” Well, the first thing that comes to mind is because it’s bad for the students’ health. With a tobacco-free school, it provides the students with a safe environment to learn and grow in their studies. As a homeschool student, I don’t have to worry as much as other students. But I do think other students are pressured into smoking, which will have a negative impact later in life. My grandpa smoked when he was a teen. As he grew older, my grandma helped him stop. But the smoking he did cost him later in life. He had breathing problems and heart issues. As teenagers, we are easily pressured into something. We all know what parents say – “Stay away from tobacco!” I know other teens and I hate to say it, but our parents are right. Without the existence of a tobacco-free policy, students could end up like my grandpa with the same health problems.

Students are also influenced by policies. Well some students might blow them off, others (it just takes one) will look and start following the rules. After more and more students start following the rules, the one that ignored them will start to feel that they too need to follow those policies. With a tobacco-free policy, students and teens can understand how dangerous using those products can be, and it can help change their mindset. 

It is important to have a tobacco-free school because of students’ health and their understanding of tobacco. So, I encourage you to join 24/7 to help promote a safer world and tobacco-free schools! To learn more, check out the rest of the 24/7 website at  

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